Becoming Our Best


Recently I had the occasion to observe the “change of command” of a U.S. Marine aircraft squadron. During this impressive ceremony, the responsibility for the personnel and their aircraft was passed from one officer to another.

It was heartening to see the respect paid to the individuals, the Marine Corps and our country in this inspiring and peaceful transfer of authority and responsibility. Here are a few things from this experience that could be useful to all of us:

• A shared greater purpose inspires team members to give their best. Develop yours and help your people to feel commitment to it.

• Practice makes perfect. If you have an event or special occasion coming up, spend the time in advance to ensure it is done right.

• Pride in a team starts at the top and works through the ranks. If you express your pride constructively, so will the team.

• Acknowledging those who work for you is very important. Remember that they are the ones achieving the goals.

• Tradition can be an inspiration to your team members. Find healthy ways to develop and recall the traditions of your group.

Our days are filled with things to do. Our calendars overflow with the urgent and important tasks of operating our part of the organization. And yet, if we cannot spend the time and effort to create enthusiasm in our team members, results are usually mediocre.

Find ways to give your team a shared vision and an inspired view of themselves and what they are doing. The payoff can be great in terms of increased morale and productivity.

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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